Friday, October 20, 2017

Video: Tested Unveils 'Battlefront II' Messenger Droid Cosplay At NYCC

By: Benjamin Hart

Cosplay is truly an art form unto itself that's practiced by millions of people each year at conventions and other various events across the globe. As always, Star Wars fans in particular are always finding ways to push it to the next level, and some brand new Star Wars Battlefront II cosplay that just popped up has been turning a lot of heads.

Today, the YouTube channel Tested, founded by former Mythbusters star Adam Savage, posted a video showing off a new costume that they created with some help from EA. The costume is an incredibly faithful recreation of Emperor Palpatine's Sentinel, or "Messenger" droid that first appeared in the Shattered Empire comic series, and will have a prominent role in the video game Star Wars Battlefront II.

In the video, the costume is worn by Tested producer Gunther Kirsch who is suited up and proceeds to walk the floor of this year's New York Comic Con. This cosplay looks like it was literally pulled right out of the game! You can check out the video below:

For comparison, here's a clip from Battlefront II featuring the Messenger droid:

Impressive... Most impressive!

Be sure to head over to Tested to see many more videos like this.

(Special thanks to our Buddy Chris for sending this our way!)

Source: Tested

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