Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Rumor: 'Star Wars Land' and 'Launch Bay' Updates

By: Dominic Jones

The Star Wars presence at the Disney Parks continues to expand as we race towards to opening of the Star Wars experience theme parks (known to fans as 'Star Wars Land'), for which construction is slated to begin later this year.  While Star Wars Land is still a few years away, currently there are plenty of Star Wars attractions at the parks, including the "Star Wars Launch Bay" exhibit.  Our friends at MakingStarWars.net have heard some cool info about what to expect at both Star Wars Land and "Launch Bay" in the not too distant future.  According to MSW,
  • Word is there might be some kind of big deal event for the construction of Star Wars Land ground breaking like they did for Avatar.
  • A behind the scenes feature for the Star Wars Launch Bay has been put together for Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
  • The Marvel area above the Star Wars Launch Bay is being removed and the rumor is it may house a Star Wars Land preview area of some kind and additional Star Wars content.
  • Right now the plan is for the cantina in Star Wars Land to serve alcohol which is a big deal in the Disneyland park.
  • You won’t be able to see any visual elements of the Star Wars area until you enter so it’s complete immersion. You’ll exit Critter country and enter a narrow tunnel, coming out of it seeing massive buildings and X-Wings setting a dazzling tone.
  • A complicated laser system is in place that will allow them to project things into the sky that look like ships from the Star Wars galaxy.

Everything we hear about Star Wars Land sounds incredible.  I love that they are going for complete immersion in the Star Wars galaxy, and this idea about a laser system projecting ships into the sky is another exciting aspect to that.  As for "Launch Bay", I hope they keep it open indefinitely (at least until Star Wars Land opens).  With all the new films coming up there will plenty of new content that can be used to keep things fresh.

As always, this is just a rumor until confirmed or denied by Lucasfilm or Disney.

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