By: Dominic Jones
Ever since Disney bought Lucasfilm and announced that they were making the Star Wars sequel trilogy, the question has been how will Disney use the ideas George Lucas came up with? The answer is, they aren't. Lucas spoke with Cinema Blend while promoting his new animated film Strange Magic and he revealed that even though he wrote treatments for the sequel trilogy, Disney decided they wanted to go in a different direction.
Lucas said,
"The ones that I sold to Disney, they came up to the decision that they didn't really want to do those. So they made up their own. So it's not the ones that I originally wrote [on screen in Star Wars: The Force Awakens]."
You can watch the video of Lucas discussing this below,
A part of me is disappointed to hear this. I had hoped that George's vision would be kept alive in the Disney era. However, I believe that the people working behind the scenes have the best interest in mind for the franchise and have great respect for what came before and wanting to make the new films feel like an extension of George work. Plus, we have seen through Star Wars Rebels how successful Star Wars without George (but made by people who love and respect Star Wars and George) can be.
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Make no mistake, I am grateful for his vision and the memories he's given to me throughout my life, but he needs to move on.
George's vision, though distorted by the prequels, is the reason why we are even where we are with Star Wars, in general, this wildly popular. So in that sense, I am grateful for his indirect "influence" as Abrams' own Star Wars fanaticism is a result of that vision.
So all ought to be good :D
I really hope that the sequel trilogy continues this kind of deep narrative that George built. Otherwise the new Star Wars will become just like other popular movies nowadays. Movies like Avatar and the Marvel Cinematic Universe are a lot of fun and definitely well-made, but they do not have the depth or intricacy that Star Wars has in narrative structure, plot points, visuals, dialogue, themes, and music. Again, please read the article above to see what I mean.
I know there are some that feel that GL should always be attached to Star Wars, but Star Wars isn't just any movie. It's a sandbox. A sandbox needs to be played in by more than one person. I'm excited about 7. I know it will at least be better quality than the prequels, but I'm also giddy that we may get some outside-the-box Star Wars with these stand alone films. The numbered films are kinda bound to an old-school adventure serial style of filmmaking, and that is great... But have stand alone films can elevate things as well.
Star Wars: Rebels has been a great example of the property being outside of the hands of Lucas. It is truly great. The force is mysterious again, and when the lightsaber ignites, I get excited again, because it hasn't been whipped out 20 times in one episode. Star Wars has weight again, and I'm excited so far at the direction is heading.
You can be upset, but honestly, George didn't have to sell it. He did. And it was a choice he made. We shouldn't feel bad for him. Especially $4 billion later.
As I understand it, Lucas is donating all of that $4 billion to fund education.
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