Tuesday, March 8, 2016

EA Unveils March Update for 'Star Wars Battlefront'

By: Benjamin Hart

The development team behind Star Wars Battlefront is continuing to improve the popular game with new updates and features every month. Just today they have announced the March update for Battlefront which includes a new map on Endor and a new mission set on Tatooine. Official descriptions for both of those additions are available below:

  • “Survivors of Endor,” a new multiplayer map, follows the aftermath of the destruction of the second Death Star and supports Walker Assault, Supremacy, and Turning Point.
  • New Tatooine Survival Mission with a fresh look at Tatooine that you can enjoy on your own via singleplayer or couch co-op / online co-op with a friend.

If you're already a Star Wars Battlefront player you can now download this new update for free!

Source: EA

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