Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Target and Lucasfilm Launch 'Share The Force' Initiative for Fans to Share Their Star Wars Memories

By: Dominic Jones

Everybody has a Star Wars memory and a new initiative from Target and Lucasfilm seeks to archive as many fan memories as possible.  Fans are being invited to share their memories on ShareTheForce.Target.com and to explore memories from other fans.  According to Target,

"The collection, which will include celebrity fans Minka Kelly, Chris Hardwick and Bobby Moynihan, will go on to be archived at Lucasfilm – becoming an everlasting example of how we’re all connected by the force.  Until now, no one has attempted to collect and capture memories from the 147 million Star Wars fans throughout the world, and Target is introducing a unique program to unite these generations of fans in a way that only Target can do."

You can check out some promo videos for "Share The Force" below,

This sounds like a fun campaign from Target and Lucasfilm.  I know from personal experience, that everyone has a Star Wars story, even if they aren't a huge Star Wars fan.  I love the idea of archiving fan memories to go in the Lucasfilm archives.  I hope that Lucasfilm finds a way to continue this idea, beyond their partnership with Target for "Force Friday."

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Vader the White said...

This is neat. Especially since it reminds me of one of my most vivid childhood memories. I remember watching Empire Strikes Back for the first time at four-years-old. I somehow didn't know the revelation that Darth Vader was Anakin Skywalker so I actually gasped when Vader said, "No, I am your father." I totally didn't see it coming since I miraculously avoided every single pop culture reference to it (it's not like my family didn't watch a lot of TV) so it was my first real plot twist.

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