SPOILER ALERT! This article contains MASSIVE SPOILERS from Solo: A Star Wars Story. If you haven't seen the movie yet and don't want to know what happens, stop reading now!
The newly released Solo: A Star Wars Story contains a tonne of tie-ins and call backs to stories and characters from other corners of the Star Wars galaxy, but none is bigger than the one the film saved for last. Director Ron Howard recently sat down with /Film to discuss what led to the decision to have the person Qi'Ra (Emilia Clarke) calls at the end to be the former Sith Lord Darth Maul.
Howard explained that when he came on board the decision had yet to be made as to who Qi'Ra was calling. He told /Film,
"I will say that was scripted and there was a lot of uncertainty as to
who that character would be. So it was sort of initially written in a
rather generic way. It just sort of said “Boss”. And I thought when I came in, I assumed
they knew who it was and they were just keeping it under wraps. And
they didn’t. But Maul was listed as one of the candidates. And I
lobbied hard for that. I thought that made a lot of sense to me. I
found that character to be really effective. And I knew for a fact,
without asking directly and giving anything away, my son Reed who just
turned 31, who’s a dedicated Star Wars fan, he’s a golfer.
He’s not in the business. Dedicated Star Wars fan. I just whispered
that possibility and he just thought that would be incredibly cool. And
so for that generation, I thought, well that was gonna be a pretty
interesting idea."
Screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan had previously said that his son and co-screenwriter Jon had been one of the people behind the scenes pushing for Maul (Lawrence, for his part, wasn't even aware that Maul had already been brought back in The Clone Wars and Rebels animated series'). Jon elaborated to /Film that although other characters were considered he always hoped that Maul would be chosen, saying, "I was trying to design it in such a way that everyone who read it would
feel that they had thought to put him in there. And no one would
realize that it was always what I wanted."
So with the passionate support of the co-screenwriter and the director, Maul was ultimately chosen as the "boss" Qi'Ra would report to at the end. But this scene ultimately begs the question of what happens next? When asked if he was interested in making a Solo sequel, Howard replied,
"I would never say never, I just don’t know what’s going on at Imagine.
And by the way, there’s no plan. So that wasn’t a step toward
sequels. I love this cast. And I had so much fun in this sort of the
filmmaking playground that is this universe. And so if the answer is
I’d be very, very open to it. I have no idea, you know, whether they
would, you know?"
Hopefully this storyline gets picked up on sooner rather than later (even though we ultimately know where Maul's story is going). If that's in a Solo sequel, that's great! But it's also a story that could be picked up in films about other members of the criminal underworld. And if Ron Howard wants to make another Star Wars movie, hopefully Lucasfilm lets him do it!
Solo: A Star Wars Story is in theaters now!
Source: /Film
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