By Ciaran Duggan,
Del Rey are coming to the Behind the Scenes
stage at Star Wars Celebration Orlando next month.
Unbound Worlds have reported that there will be author signings (of
all of which are free and the schedule of which is subject to change) purchasing
books and meeting members of the Del Rey team.
This is deemed to be the place to be if you are a fan of Star Wars books.
This is deemed to be the place to be if you are a fan of Star Wars books.
There are three Dey Rey panels taking place at
the Behind the Scenes stage:
I’ll Take Droids for
$500, Obi Wan (Thursday 2:30 – 3:30 pm)
- Test your ‘Star Wars’ knowledge,
competing head-to-head with Chuck Wendig and Timothy Zahn. Narrator Marc
Thompson will host and one lucky audience member will have a chance to complete
onstage as a contestant!
Lucasfilm Publishing
Writers’ Roundtable (Friday 4:30 – 5:30pm)
- A round table featuring of the
Lucasfilm team and a collection of Star Wars writers from across publishers,
including Del Rey authors like Tim Zahn and Delilah S. Dawson.
Del Rey Books, Behind
the Scenes (Saturday 1:00 – 2:00pm)
- Del Rey has been publishing Star
Wars books since 1976. Find out what we have in the works for 2017 and beyond.
Join authors Chuck Wendig (Empire’s End), Christie Golden (Inferno Squadron),
Timothy Zahn (Thrawn) and Delilah S. Dawson (The Perfect Weapon). Moderator:
Elizabeth Schaefer, Senior Editor at Del Rey Books.
There are also a number of ‘Star Wars
University’ panels which are hosted by Star Wars authors. Each session differs
depending on the unique teaching style of the author. All University Writing
Workshops are in W300.
Star Wars University:
Chuck (Thursday
5:00 – 6:00pm)
Star Wars University:
Delilah (Friday
12:30 – 1:30pm)
Star Wars University:
Timothy Zahn
(Friday 2:00 – 3:00pm)
Star Wars University:
Christie Golden (Saturday
3:30 – 4:30pm)
Star Wars University:
John Jackson Miller (Sunday
12:30 – 1:30pm)
Finally there are some special giveaways which
will be handed out at Booth 2522, including a Grand Admiral Thrawn pin ($35)
and a 40th anniversary Tote bag ($25).
40th Anniversary Tote Bag |
Grand Admiral Thrawn Pin |
Del Rey's presence at Star Wars: Celebration Orlando is sure to be big as demonstrated.
Source: Unbound Worlds
Source: Unbound Worlds
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