Star Wars Battlefront has been making headlines recently with the news that EA plans to release a sequel to the game next year. This has, of course, stirred up a lot of discussion from both fans and developers in regards to the first game, which was released last November. While Battlefront was a financial success, selling 14 million copies overall, critically it did not do so well, garnering mixed reviews and a variety of complaints from players. The general consensus among fans has seemed to point to the lack of a a single-player campaign mode as one of the biggest things missing from the game. Even Star Wars: The Force Awakens star John Boyega inquired about it. With Star Wars Battlefront II on the horizon, many fans are left wondering what went wrong and what they can expect from the second game.
Gamespot reports that EA's executive vice president Patrick Söderlund spoke at a recent Investor's Day event and addressed the controversy surrounding the single-player campaign:
"The one thing that we got criticized for was the lack of a single-player campaign. It was conscious decision we made due to time and being able to launch the game side-by-side with the movie that came out to get the strongest possible impact. I think the team created a really good game based on the premise that we had. I would say the game has done very well for us and reached a very different demographic than a traditional EA game. So from that perspective, it's a success. Are we happy with the 75 rating? No. Is that something we're going to cure going forward? Absolutely."
Söderlund refers to Gamespot's sister-site Metacritic's review of Battlefront, which gave it a 75 rating. He continues to say that they are look to correct these issues going forward, adding more "depth and breadth" to future games:
"The depth and breadth is something that's proving to be more and more important. In a world where we want $60 up front and we expect people to stay with us over the course of a long time, the depth of what we offer is important.... We have to go back and course correct that for another version if we were ever to build one,"
It's encouraging to hear that EA is listening to fans and will be working to give fans more content and hopefully make a more crowd pleasing game. Star Wars Battlefront II is reportedly set for release sometime next year, and EA plans to release more games every following year. We will undoubtedly learn more at Star Wars Celebration Europe in London this July.
Source: Gamespot
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