Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Rumor: Episode VII Villain Identity Revealed

By: Dominic Jones

Hold on to your hats everyone, because this could be huge.  Our friends over believe they have uncovered the identity of the villain for Episode VII, as well as how the film ends.  Obviously this gets into major spoiler territory, so if you don't want to know anything about the film, stop reading now!  This is your official SPOILER ALERT!
Alright, if you're still with us, you have been warned. is hearing from reliable sources that the villain for Star Wars Episode VII is...Luke Skywalker!  Now, I'm willing to be a lot of you are thinking one of two things.  Either, "wow, what a rip off of Dark Empire" or "NOOOOO!  That's not true!  That's impossible!"

Let's take a set back and look at some more information.  For one, it's being reported that the masked cyborg depicted in the leaked concept art (see below) is Luke Skywalker.
Most initially assumed that this was the design for Adam Driver's costume, as the rumors were that he was the villain.  But could it really be Luke under there?

And if you're hoping for a happy ending to Episode VII, I have more bad news. Furious Fanboys has elaborated more on the plot of the film.  According to them,
Even more shocking is that it appears that Episode VII ends with Kira (Daisy Ridley’s character) kneeling before Cyborg Luke to become his new apprentice. This is apparently what was filmed at Skellig Michael in Ireland. John Boyega’s character is then the hero of the new trilogy, and we’re left waiting for Episode VIII to see how the heroes deal with Luke becoming the new Sith Lord with Kira has his apprentice.

Is anyone else hearing the slow version of the Imperial March in their head right now?  This would be quite a departure from what we expected Episode VII to be, with Luke as the hero, passing the torch on to Kira Solo as they battled evil.  While it's shocking, I don't think it's implausible.  Over the past 30 years the characters of Luke, Han, and Leia have been built up as infallible legends.  So to open Episode VII with Luke as the villain would be a daring way to play with audience expectations.  As much as I love Luke Skywalker, I hope this turns out to be true.  I think it's important for Star Wars to go in new directions that are unexpected.  Look at The Empire Strikes Back.  That movie featured our heroes coming off the highest high of destroying the Death Star only to constantly beat them down over the course of the film (attack on Hoth, Luke being shot down, Millennium Falcon hyperdrive not working, Lando turning against Han and Leia, Han being tortured, Luke loosing a hand, and, of course, "I am your father").  If you look at where we left off in Return of the Jedi, it's very similar to where we left off at the end of A New Hope.  All seems well, the Emperor and Vader are dead and the second Death Star has been destroyed.  So why not pull an Empire and have Episode VII be all about taking our heroes down a notch and make VIII and IX about the crawling their way back.  It makes a lot of sense to me.

But if you want more proof, has a few more details about some concept art of key scenes in the film that relate to the Luke-is-the-villain rumor.  According to MakingStarWars,

A picture believed to be from the middle of the film shows a mountainous snow planet (not Hoth okay?). “Kira” holds her blue laser sword behind her as if she is trying to run. With her back to the cyborg, he has his fingers in the classic “Darth Vader” force pinch posture and is perhaps pulling her laser sword out of her hand. Behind him, her companion attempts to get up, probably to sneak attack the cyborg. Note: this piece has yet again, another face. It looks like a Darth Vader mouth piece but the eyes look red and sunken in like Vaders but harder to make out since he’s in the foreground.

The black figure sits on a throne. He’s cloaked. We see him from the side. His boots are not unlike Anakin Skywalker’s from Revenge of the Sith. He is approached by “Kira.” The light from outside the shrine emanates from the door way and she walks through it. The cloaked figure sits in darkness, a natural red/yellow fiery light behind him, almost like amber backlights the figure.

According to a source, “Kira” believes she is there to meet Luke Skywalker, but instead she finds the monster.

In another depiction, she is facing the camera, the cyborg character is embracing her and the look on her face is one of resignation and defeat. We are looking over a character’s shoulder, of what is believed to be Boyega’s character.

There is a rumor she is evil. I think the film might leave off with the revelation she has joined the figure’s faction. Her in-progress romance with her companion is clearly halted in this moments and shelved for the next films.

I believe this is the interior of the Michael Skellig set. There is a giant castle on that island area and this is interior “throne room” if you will. It is like a cave but mechanical and dark. Think of McQuarrie’s lava throne for Darth Vader concept if you’ve seen it. It is similar in idea.

In another picture we see the Falcon parked outside on a landing platform which makes me think two character enter and only one flees with the crew of the Falcon at the end of the film.
So why does “Kira” appear to give up? The reason for her resignation? The cyborg is none other than Luke Skywalker. The revelation beats “Kira” and her quest becomes hopeless. She resigns herself to joining the figure who is the opposite of what she hoped to find. The evil she sought to vanquish with the power of Luke Skywalker, is Luke Skywalker.

We are left not knowing the future and how this happened. The cloak appears to be especially close to Luke Skywalker’s Return of the Jedi cloak as well.

There is some tantalizing stuff in there.  now we just have to wait until December 18, 2015 to find out if it's true.

As always this is just a rumor until confirmed or denied by Lucasfilm or Disney.

Follow The Star Wars Underworld on Twitter @TheSWU for more updates about this story and other breaking Star Wars news.


Unknown said...

Borrowing from Dark Empire much are we? ;) But it's cool, would love to see Luke on the dark side for a change!

Unknown said...

It's in the books Luke go's to the dark side and then comes back

Unknown said...

Luke turns to the dark side so he can truly defeat the emperor, the emperor cloned himself like the clone troopers and thru the force enter another body.

Luke hears Leias voice thru the force and crashes the star destroyer into the planet where the emperors clones are where then he turns back to the light side

Unknown said...

so interesting

kenkraly2004 said...

Getting really tired of the rumors at this point. I will be glad when we get some official news on Star Wars Episode 7.

Unknown said...

Did I seriously just read laser sword?

Unknown said...

Dumb, Dumb, Dumb.

Unknown said...

Whoa, calm down. It could simply be somebody impersonating luke to lure ridleys character to the dark side. Meanwhile Luke is hiding out and meditating. I highly doubt they would turn such a iconic hero into a villain after 30 years. Plus hamill grew that obi wan beard. Why would he do that just to over it up with make up and prosthetics?

Unknown said...

Rumors rumors...

Unknown said...

Unless, Sith Luke is really Luke's clone made from his old hand.

Unknown said...

Anyone who writes laser sword and not lightsaber, a creditable source they are not!

Me said...

Laser sword? Hahaha totaly fake!

the Leatheryman said...

Looking back on the host of rumors on this site after the movie's release will be hilarious.

Unknown said...

No beard in concept art
Looks suspiciously like the guy who played Bill Weasely

JawaJay said...

Not believing the cyborg luke crap. Mark was contracted to grow a beard. So doubt the cyborg is him. Nice try though.

Tahitianflower said...

Um...sorry but the Luke Skywalker being the villian is just not true. I know JJ and where he is going with this but who's not to say that isn't Luke behind the mask or that Kira (aka possible Jaina Solo) will be his apprentice? Kira will actually wind up playing the heroine in the movie. Haven't been wrong about how things will play out yet.

Tahitianflower said...


Unknown said...

Luke is not the bad guy but max is working for a younger clone palpatine as a man in his 30s.palpatine entered one of his clones at a star destroyer at the Battle of Endor that fled the defeat.

Unknown said...

The clone was in a fetal development phase and was born a few months later in an imperial throne world like byss.He could not reach adulthood until 20 years later but the clone inherited all if palpatine s personal fortunes and loot he took from the imperial coffers.the empire us shattered but not dead

Talaba MaalBak said...

I never join to the Dark Side of the Force Luke said.

Unknown said...

So when we're watching ROTJ and we get to the pivotal moment when Luke refuses to turn to the dark side, from now on the whole scene is just going to feel like someone stole its thunder. For younger kids who end up watching the films in episode number order, it's going to be a case of 'Yay, Luke remained true to the Jedi', but then in the very next film 'Boo, Luke's a Sith afterall'. Lame! I sincerely hope this is BS. I can handle the idea of lesser Sith like the Inquisitors, but Luke turning after everything that happened in the original films - ugh just no.

Unknown said...

What does Yoda tell Luke.....Once you start down the dark path FOREVER will it dominate your destiny.

Unknown said...

I as well heard Luke turns to the darkside, and Leia is the only one that can bring him back. I heard in the past that there is still the ninth clone of the emperor that was sent to a further galaxy, which brings back an alien race more piwerful than the empire, and rebels. Luke has to firm a jedi academy, where he trains jedis to fight the last emperor, and the alien race he brings with him. This is how I thought it woiuld go.

Unknown said...

I as well heard Luke turns to the darkside, and Leia is the only one that can bring him back. I heard in the past that there is still the ninth clone of the emperor that was sent to a further galaxy, which brings back an alien race more piwerful than the empire, and rebels. Luke has to firm a jedi academy, where he trains jedis to fight the last emperor, and the alien race he brings with him. This is how I thought it woiuld go.

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