Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Bob Iger Confirms Chewbacca Will Appear in the 2018 Han Solo Film

By: Dominic Jones

File this one under "stuff-we-were-99%-sure-about-but-it's-still-nice-to-have-a-confirmation".  Speaking at the Deutsche Bank 2016 Media, Internet & Telecom Conference on Tuesday, Disney CEO Bob Iger teased the upcoming Han Solo Star Wars: Anthology film ("Hanthology", if you will), confirming that Chewbacca will be appearing in the 2018 film.

Speaking about the Anthology films (also known by their subtitle "A Star Wars Story") Iger said (via The Wrap), “We have others in the works, including one, which is an origin story about Han Solo and Chewy. And that’ll come after ‘Star Wars 8’ in 2018. And then there’ll be possibly be more thereafter.”

While it's a bit of a "No Duh" that Chewbacca would appear in a Han Solo film, it's interesting that Iger refers to the film as a "origin story about Han and Chewy".  Could this be a hint that the film will tell the story of how the two first met?  The story of their first meeting was originally slated to be told in the Live Action Series George Lucas was developing prior to the sale of Lucasfilm to Disney.  Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy said back in December that they were still exploring the possibility of developing those scripts, however this looks to be an element from that series that has been changed (if the series is ever produced). It seems unlikely that Lucasfilm would limit writers Lawrence and Jon Kasdan to what had previously been developed for the series.

The Han Solo Anthology movie is slated for a May 25th, 2018 release and will be directed by Phil Lord and Chris Miller (21 Jump Street, The Lego Movie).

Are you excited to see a Han and Chewie origin story?  Let us know in the comments!

Source: The Wrap

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