Tuesday, March 8, 2016

"Weird Al" Yankovic Says He Won't Be Writing Any More 'Star Wars' Songs

By: Dominic Jones

Comedian-musician "Weird Al" Yankovic is a legend is most circles, but especially among Star Wars fans for his beloved song parodies "Yoda" (parodying "Lola" by The Kinks) and "The Saga Begins" (parodying "American Pie" by Don McLean).  However, it doesn't look like "Weird Al" will be making any more Star Wars parody songs.  Speaking with The Rolling Stone, "Weird Al" explained why he wouldn't be doing anymore, saying,

"It's a thought that crossed my mind, certainly, and everybody on my Twitter feed was like, "Oh! You have to do another Star Wars song." In fact, a few years ago I teased, "You know, I do a Star Wars song every 20 years like clockwork. It could be about that time." But I looked at it practically. I've already got two Star Wars songs in my set, both of which I pretty much have to play because of fan demand. If I had a third Star Wars song, it just sort of becomes the Star Wars show. So for that reason alone, I kind of feel like I probably should just keep it at two."

While it's a a real shame he won't be writing any songs about the sequel trilogy, he won't be retiring either of his previous Star Wars songs.  "Weird Al" explained that he plans on continuing to use "Yoda" as the finale at concerts,

"It's become kind of traditional. It's an old-school hit. It's something that I've almost literally done at every show I've done since 1980. It generally feels good at the end of the set. For one tour, we tried it in the middle of the show, and it just didn't feel right. It feels like a show closer."

Source: The Rolling Stone

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