Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Peter Mayhew Announces He'll Be Tweeting Pages from Original Star Wars Script Ahead of Big Announcement

By: Dominic Jones

The mighty Chewbacca appears to be leading up to a mighty announcement.  Peter Mayhew, the actor who portrays Chewbacca in the Star Wars films announced on Twitter today that in celebration of Star Wars Episode VIII beginning filming he will be tweeting pages from his copy of George Lucas' original Star Wars script from 1976 every day leading up to a big announcement.  Mayhew Tweeted the first four pages from The Adventures of Luke Starkiller as taken from The Journal of the Whills: Saga I: Star Wars by George Lucas earlier this evening.  Check them out below,
Obviously, this is super cool of Mayhew to do (and you should thank him on Twitter for doing so).  The question is, what announcement is this leading up to?  It seems to be related to both the classic script and Episode VIII.  Let us know your theories in the comments.

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