Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Report: Description of 'Rogue One' Packaging

By: Dominic Jones

There wasn't much (publicly) revealed about Rogue One: A Star Wars Story at New York Toy Fair, but it's expected that Rogue One merchandise will dominate the shelves, like The Force Awakens did last year, in the fall.  It is also expected that, to coincide with the release of Rogue One, the packaging of all Star Wars merchandise will be based on the film.  Jedi News' Justin LaSalata got a look at the packing and tweeted out a description of what he saw.  Check it out below,
It sounds like an interesting mix of the old and the new.  Unlike most years, where only one character is focused on the packaging (Kylo Ren, Yoda, Darth Maul, etc.), it sounds like we'll see a collection of our new heroes from the film along side the iconic image of Darth Vader.  We'll likely get an announcement of the packaging, and an official confirmation of Force Friday 2016, in the coming months.

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