Monday, December 21, 2015

'Jurassic World' Congratulates 'The Force Awakens' on Biggest Opening Weekend of all Time

By: Dominic Jones

Star Wars: The Force Awakens has been smashing box office records this weekend, including unseating Jurassic World for the title of biggest opening weekend.  As is tradition, the producers of Jurassic World congratulated The Force Awakens with a cool piece of art featuring a T-Rex placing a A New Hope style medal on BB-8.  Check it out below,
The connections between The Force Awakens and Jurassic World are strong behind the scenes, with it being produced by Steven Spielberg (a friend of George Lucas, JJ Abrams, and Kathleen Kennedy) and Frank Marshall (who is married to Kathleen Kennedy), as well as being directed by Colin Trevorrow, who will be directing Star Wars: Episode IX.

Source: Screen Crush

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