Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Upcoming "Empire Day" Arc will Explore Ezra's Past


By: Lillian Skye

The rebels crew returns to Lothal in a new episode of Star Wars Rebels to help someone from Ezra's past escape Imperial clutches. "Empire Day" is the first episode in an upcoming two part story arc. The official synopsis reads:

After the crew of the Ghost wreaks havoc on the Imperials’ Empire Day celebration – an annual event commemorating the founding of the Empire – they discover an old friend of Ezra’s parents who has escaped with secrets vital to the Empire. Pursued by Agent Kallus and the Inquisitor, the rebels attempt to smuggle the refugee off-world – but not before learning he has information regarding the fate of Ezra’s parents.

See clips and images from the episode below:

The episode will air at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT Monday, November 17th on Disney XD.

Sources: Lucasfilm

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