Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Lucasfilm Announces Non-Star Wars Animated Film Titled 'Strange Magic'

By: Dominic Jones

It seems Lucasfilm's days of making non-Star Wars projects didn't end when the company was purchased by The Walt Disney Company in late 2012.  Lucasfilm announced today a new animated musical titled Strange Magic, will be released by Touchstone Pictures on January 23rd, 2015The film is based on a story by George Lucas and is directed by Gary Rydstrom and written by David Berenbaum (Elf).  The film was worked on mostly by the Lucasfilm Animation Studios in Singapore, which had previously worked on Star Wars: The Clone Wars.  The film stars Alan Cumming, Evan Rachel Wood, Kristin Chenoweth, Maya Rudolph, Sam Palladio, newcomer Meredith Anne Bull, Alfred Molina, Elijah Kelley, Bob Einstein and Peter Stormare.  Strange Magic will feature music from the past six decades.  The film was apparently inspired by A Midsummer's Night Dream.  

Am I the only one thinking this might be an interesting place to reveal a Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens teaser?  Regardless, it will an interesting film to see when it hits theaters on January 23rd.

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