Tuesday, January 28, 2014

'Star Wars: Assault Team' Mobile Game Announced

By: Dominic Jones

Lucasfilm announced today, via the official Star Wars Twitter account, a new Star Wars video game coming to iOS, Android, and Windows 8 devices, titled 'Star Wars: Assault team.  The game is due for a release sometime this spring.  They also included a picture from the game, check it out!
Looks like fun!  We'll keep you updated as more details about the game (like a release date) roll out.


Unknown said...

Well that is great!They have to focus on Star Wars Commander.I've seen a ton of fixable things over the past few months!It can be a far better game than it is.Privateer Plunder is making a ton of things right!Both fun IMO!
Super Hero-Mobile Game

Bonnie Jenkins said...

Hi,Star Wars: Assault Team is a solid card-battler,with a couple of new thoughts included to include somewhat more vital assortment.Yet its utilization of the Star Wars license -however sufficiently aware -is for the most part cosmetic,implying that it's not a large portion of the game it may have been.Thank you.

Easy apps locking

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