Tuesday, January 28, 2014

First Look at Chopper Action Figure

By: Dominic Jones

Following yesterday's reveal of the new droid Chopper from Star Wars Rebels, StarWars.com has revealed our first look at the Chopper 3.75" action figure from Hasbro.   They also revealed that Chopper's number is C1-10P and included the video released yesterday (without German subtitles this time).  Check out a picture of the Chopper figure below:

I must say that seeing the figure really gives you a sense of Chopper's size compared to other astromechs.  One of the pictures released yesterday showed Chopper compared to R2-D2, but the difference didn't seem as big as it does when looking at the action figure.  That being said the figure does look pretty cool and will make a fine addition to my collection.

What do you think of the Chopper figure?  Fire away in the comments below, tweet us @TheSWU, or join the discussion in Club SWU on Facebook! 


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