Tuesday, January 28, 2014


By: Darth Daddy

Knowing that there are a lot of Clone Wars fans that visit The Star Wars Underworld, I thought that our next featured artist would be a welcome addition for this week's showcase. Peakob1 (peek-O-B-One) has been a Star Wars fan all his life. He makes customs for the love of the hobby and you won't find a more dedicated fan. He started customizing in '95, and as far as our collection at home goes, we have more Star Wars custom action figures made by Peakob1 than by any other artist. So many that I've lost count.

While I have a few OTC, Shadows of the Empire and Droids custom figures that he made, the bulk of the figures I own by this artist are Clone Wars custom action figures.  He has created so many characters from the show that I wish had been released by Hasbro.  Peakob1 has developed into one of my closest friends in the community, and for the last few years we have been working together to make an incredibly cool Clone Wars collection for my little guy. Peakob1 is also one of the few artists that I have collaborated with on a project.  The Clone Wars Hondo Ohnaka Pirate Gang we created together still gets honorable mention in customizing circles.  There are very few Clone Wars custom action figure artists in the community and this artist has released some of the most noteworthy additions to the line up.   If you are a fan of the Clone Wars then his action figures are a must see!

Peakob1's earliest work is unique compared to most other customizers in that he uses his own style of making figures that he refers to as "hard sculpting"; gluing plastic pieces to a figure and then sanding them into a desired form as opposed to using sculpy to mold his own figures. He uses bits of existing parts and then Dremels them down to make a new result. He believes that it makes for a much stronger figure because he's a little like Jar Jar, "hesa clumsy" and often drops figures. Thankfully they don't break because he builds them properly.  Within the last year and a half, Peakob1 has started to use Aves Fixit to create his figures and the results have been mind blowing!

What I appreciate about this artist is his signature paint technique.  As soon as you see one of his figures, you know he was the one who made it.  He is one of the few artists I have ever seen who uses the Ralph McQuarrie paint technique to really make his figures stand out.  I love the way he paints his figures with well placed highlights to really compliment his sculpts.  Definitely check out the rest of this artist's work.  Even his work outside of Clone Wars is super cool.  You're bound to be as impressed as I am.  Check out the video slide show compilation I made of  his figures.  It's a great introduction to his work.


His figures are also featured on the Clone Wars Custom Action Figure page on Facebook:


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