Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Rumor: New Rebels Launch Details

By: Dominic Jones

With the premiere of Star Wars Rebels coming this fall, we can expect lots promotion in the lead up to it.  The good folks over at Jedi News have heard from one of their inside sources about how Disney will ramping up excitement in anticipation of the series premiere.  According to Jedi News' source,

"Series of vignettes airing from August onwards showcasing minimum of four main characters. This will see the launch of books for young readers around this time, which will include back-stories and prequels to the full Rebel series. Trying to launch this to quite a high degree of fanfare.

Early October we will see what has been termed a "movie" but is actually only an hour long feature episode drop on the full Disney Channel. Disney XD will then start the ongoing series.

As the situation sits only one episode is in the can although a lot is obviously work in progress."

The most exciting part of that, to me, is the vignettes.  Sounds to me like they'll be releasing brief scenes with each of the main characters, possibly giving us some of their back story, to introduce the characters.  Hopefully, once these air they'll also be available on StarWars.com so that fans who miss them can see them.

As always this is just a rumor, until confirmed or denied by Lucasfilm or Disney.


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