Friday, December 13, 2013

Caption Contest Winners | 12/13/13

By: Benjamin Hart

The Christmas season is upon us and that means a holiday themed edition of the caption contest! This week our Facebook fans captioned this photo an AT-AT with Antlers and a red nose. The hilarious results are below!

1st Place | By: Benjamin Faucher & John Jordan

2nd Place

"....Then one snowy Hothmas Eve, Vader came to say..."
By: Andrea Kristina

"Happy Hoth-idays from us here at the Empire!"
By: Alec Walberg

Then one day on the Battle of Hoth's Eve... Vader came and said..... This AT-AT with it's nose so bright.... will Transport me to my Lightsaber fight.
By: Nicholas Louis Onorato

Sir, I understand that you're into the whole holiday spirit thing, but all the other AT-AT crews are laughing and calling us names.
By: Brett Marlar

Luke got run over by a Walker
Coming home from Hoth on Christmas Eve
Now you can say there's no such thing as the Empire 
But as for me and the Rebels we believe
By: Zac Sharkbait Arnold

3rd Place

You cant harpoon that 12 point AT-AT, they're endangered.
By:Toni Shelton

"Won't let me play in your Rebel games, will ya?"
By: Phillip Mark Williams

Inform the Commander that Lord Vader's reindeer have arrived.
By: Brandon McGowan

"Target the shield generator. Maximum nosepower!"
By: Mick O'Donoghue

Hey rebel scum, remember all those names you used to call me?
By: Jordan Green

Red Nosed Five... standing by.
By: Jeff Caffrey

Grandma got run over by an AT-AT, running back to Echo Base trying to flee...
By: John Stegmaier

Used to laugh and call him names......USED TO!
By: Adam Johnson

Congrats to the winners and thanks to all who participated! Be sure to 'Like' us on Facebook to get a heads up on future caption contests! Merry Christmas and may the Force be with you!


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