Sunday, October 18, 2015

BREAKING: New Official Poster for 'The Force Awakens' Revealed!

By: Dominic Jones

The rumors were true!  The official Star Wars Twitter account just posted the brand new official poster for Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, and confirmed that a new trailer for the film would air tomorrow during Monday Night Football on ESPN!  Check out the poster below,
There's a lot to dissect in that poster!  What jumps out to me immediately is it looks like we get our first look at Lupita Nyong'o's Maz Kanata (the small alien, which is just left of center on the poster) and the Starkiller Base super weapon in the top right hand corner.  

Let us know what you think of the poster as well as what other hints and easter eggs you find in the comments!

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Unknown said...

WOW! Check out that Starkiller Base, it's like the Death Star :o¨ SO HYPED

Unknown said...

I can understand why they left Luke out of the poster. They are clearly saving him for the big reveal at the end of the film. What I don't understand is why they left general Hux out of the poster? Could it be a hint at some kind of relationship between Hux and Luke?

Unknown said...

Where is Luke?

DANINA2 said...

Where is Luke? Should anything be read into that?

Unknown said...

Who's that Yoda-like creature next to R2?

Unknown said...

I'm kinda curious as to why Kylo's blade is parallel with Rey's staff? She is also between Kylo and Finn again (Between the Dark and the Light)?

Unknown said...


AC said...

Darthpunk I thought the same thing about Rey's staff and Kylo's saber

Unknown said...

Poster sucks, more soulless digital art! Another Deathstar type super weapon? Really? My expectations for this film just took a nose dive.

Unknown said...

darthpunx....I was thinking sort of the same thing about kylos blade enveloping reys and almost making reys look red

Unknown said...

Pretty sure that's Teedo next to R2, not Maz Kanata

Bill Clark said...

Not all storm troopers are bad

Jonathan Freyone said...

For the generation of people that grew up with the original trilogy like me, we need to realise that we cannot expect the same style of movie in every aspect including special effects for the new trilogy. The key is to strike a balance between practical effects and digital effects and I think we will get that in this movie. Let's not forget that JJ Abrams is from the same generation, and he,s expanding this universe to another cinematic generation in a wise manner. Let's be positive.

W. Hawatky said...

it's really not 1980 anymore no matter how much some wish it could be. some fans need to just RELAX.

Jonathan Freyone said...

I absolutely agree, people need to relax

Jimmy said...

WHERE IS LUKE! is he not a main character in this movie at all!

Unknown said...

Tease for tomorrow's trailer:

Ts said...
have you felt it?

Tristan Stufflebeam said...

Watch the trailer again... It's that creature that hands over Anakin's lightsaber to whom we suspect is Leia...

Unknown said...

Rumer has it that he doesn't show up until the last 45 or 30 mins.of the movie

Unknown said...

See how Kylo's lightsaber and Rey's staff are parallel to each others? Solo twins confirmation anyone???

kenkraly2004 said...

Thoughts on the poster are this : I like The Poster. I can't believe the amount of people actually complaining over both the poster and the teaser trailers. It's New a Star Wars Film. Come on now. I guess you really can't please everyone anymore. Just because Drew Struzan did not make the poster doesn't mean it's bad

mweber said...

I agree with RiCaRDo... the poster confirms the Solo twins.

Unknown said...

she turns

Unknown said...

Too bad they already revealed Kylo Ren without his mask and it's clearly Adam Driver

W. Hawatky said...

lolol danny brown ftw

but yeah, i think this is solo twins confirmation... their proximity is either a blatant reveal or a very intentional mislead. i am gonna bank on the former

also, i LOVE that luke isn't in it. i see this completely different than everyone complaining about it. he is very clearly heading towards obi wan/yoda territory... the enigmatic, withdrawn jedi STUD. he isn't the young hero "getting involved" as he did as a teen. i think it's perfect.

haters gonna hate but, at least in my opinion, this movie is shaping up to be quite the breakthrough for this franchise.

Unknown said...

Anyone notice the lens flare in the poster?? :-P

Unknown said...

I have a Crazy theory.What if this new death star built inside the Jedi Crystal snowy Planet »ILUM« and they use the Power from all the Kyber crystal inside to create the new powerful weapon

Unknown said...

Interesting but didn't they say it was a new Planet? Regardless, it's a plausible theory. I just hope it's not another rehash of the original Death Star.

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