Tuesday, December 17, 2013

'Star Wars: Attack Squadrons' Announced

By: Dominic Jones

StarWars.com announced today a brand new Star Wars video game coming from the studio Area 52 in association with Disney interactive and LucasArts.  The game, Star Wars: Attack Squadrons, will be a "free-to-play, open web, space combat game".  They also promise that fans will be able to "players will enter exciting dogfighting action with up to 16 players at a time as they maneuver through iconic Star Wars locations."   The game seems to be fairly well along in its development as you can already sign up to beta test the game.

They also reveal that "Future ships, environments, and game details will be announced in the coming weeks", could we get our first look at some locations from upcoming projects like Episode VII or (more likely) Rebels?  Probably not "in the coming weeks", but this might be a cool way to introduce some new locations somewhere down the road.

Lucasfilm has also released an awesome trailer for the game, check it out below!

Source: StarWars.com


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