Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Rumor: John Williams Or J.J Abrams To Score 'Rebels' Theme

By: Benjamin Hart

We've gotten a lot more information about Star Wars Rebels over the last few days. But there's one question that's been on many fans minds that has remained unanswered; Who will score the music for Rebels? Many, including myself, have speculated that Kevin Kiner, who scored all 5+ seasons of The Clone Wars, would be the most logical choice for Rebels. But the good folks over at Jedi News, and their source "Jedi Master SQL", have different ideas...

We're hearing conflicting rumours regarding the possibility of who is going to be scoring the theme for September 2014's Star Wars Rebels. 

The first piece we have is that not only is the maestro John Williams contracted to write the score for Episode VII, VII and IX but also two television projects, one of which being Rebels. Exciting news if true.

And our own Jedi Master SQL brings us this.

Williams is on board only for the Sequel trilogy, but I understand another possible composer could be in line for the Rebels theme - J.J. Abrams himself. Abrams wrote the themes for Felicity, Alias, Lost and Fringe and according to my information he could possibly involve himself in the show in that way.

Either way, it would be awesome to have J.J or John Williams involved in Rebels. We shall wait and see. As always, keep in mind this is a rumor and not official until we hear otherwise from Lucasfilm.

Update: Jason Ward of MakingStarWars.net has more to add to this story:

I know this source from the USC School of Cinematic Arts. We got to chatting about Star Wars and they let me know some interesting Star Wars news I was not aware of.

This person causally told me they are hearing:

"John Williams is writing the new Star Wars Cartoon’s theme song. Part of the deal that brought Williams back to Star Wars also brought him on to do the themes of two television projects for Lucasfilm."

The theme is a new theme, not the traditional Star Wars theme we all know or piece reworked like The Clone Wars had.

That is the word at USC anyways. It was said like it was common knowledge, which it is not in our circles. They did not name Star Wars Rebels by name, but called it “the new Star Wars cartoon.” I feel it is safe to say the implication was Star Wars Rebels.


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