Lucasfilm and Marvel announced a new ongoing comic book series debuting in March 2020, titled Star Wars: Bounty Hunters. The series will be written by Ethan Sacks (Star Wars: Allegiance) with art by Paolo Villanelli. The series will follow the character Beilert Valance, who debuted in the Target Vader miniseries, which wrapped up today. The series will also feature appearances by Boba Fett and Bossk.
Sacks described the series to, saying,
"While the battle between the Rebellion and the Empire raged in the stars, the darker corners of the Star Wars universe belonged to the bounty hunters. And that’s always been a facet of the saga that’s fascinated me ever since I first witnessed that glorious murderers’ row take a bounty from Darth Vader aboard the Executor in a theater as a seven-year-old in 1980. I’m channeling that wonder from The Empire Strikes Back and beyond in Bounty Hunters, which will be a high-octane action romp through the Star Wars underworld of Hutts and Fetts."
Marvel's Star Wars: Bounty Hunters #1 hits shelves in March 2020.
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