By: Dominic Jones
A new preview from the novelization (or "Expanded Edition") of Solo: A Star Wars Story has been released on The excerpt features a scene that does not appear in the film. The scene is Han in a training exercise in the Imperial Navy, and the subsequent tribunal, where we see what he means when he says he was kicked out for having a mind of his own. It also features the appearance of Tag and Bink, who were slated to appear in the film but the scene was cut before the theatrical release. The Solo novelization is written by Mur Lafferty and hits shelves on September 4th. You can read part of the excerpt below,
“Why don’t you tell us what allegedly happened here?” he continued,
indicating a screen that had lit up. It was flanked by two Imperial
guards, Lieutenants Tag Greenley and Bink Otauna. Once upon a time, Han
had attempted to befriend them, but they turned out to be such colossal
screwups, Han started to avoid them before they got him or themselves
killed. Still, he needed all the friends he could get. He gave them a
little wave and a grin. They looked back at him wryly and said nothing.
The screen lit up and Han saw his own ship, leaving formation to
pursue. He felt a surge of pride as he always did, seeing from the
outside how free he looked. He realized he was just admiring himself,
and he cleared his throat and pointed in the general direction of where
Onyx 2 was being pursued.
“Onyx Two was flanked by Headhunters.” He’d reported all of this. He
had no idea why they needed his comments again since he’d already given
them all the information in his report. “If I’d followed Command’s
directive and returned to formation instead of going after ’em, he’d be
dead now.”
This tribunal was ridiculous. Couldn’t they see that he’d saved their second in command?
“There is no place for maverick heroics in his Emperor’s navy.”
Han held his hands up, as if fending off praise. “Trust me, I’ve got no interest in being a hero, Commodore, what I—”
The commodore cut him off abruptly. “Well, congratulations. You’re
not one. This tribunal, me in particular, finds you guilty of disobeying
a direct order, and you are hereby reassigned to the infantry. Report
for immediate transfer to Mimban.”
The novelization of Solo: A Star Wars Story by Mur Lafferty will be released on September 4th. The film itself will be released on home media the following week (as digital download on September 14th and on blu-ray and DVD on September 25th).
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