The Han Solo movie has been making some headlines this week, starting with the announcement that filming had begun filming, followed by two Landos being spotted together. Yesterday a photo made the rounds on Twitter showing the original Lando Calrissian himself, Billy Dee Williams, sitting with Donald Glover, who will be portraying Lando in the upcoming film.
Today, following the picture circulating, Billy Dee went on the record with The Hollywood Reporter to comment on the fateful lunch. After discussing his long awaited return as Harvey Dent/Two Face in The Lego Batman movie, THR quizzed him about his encounter with Glover:
You recently had lunch with Donald Glover. What'd you talk about?
He’s a very delightful young man, I must say. We had a very nice lunch and we talked for a very long time and it was very easy. He had questions about [Lando]. I guess he was doing what normal actors do, they just want to find out what direction they want to take so they gather their information. So, we just sat and talked and I didn’t want to impose on anything he wanted to do, he’s got his own ideas, I would imagine. I know he has his own ideas. He’s a very talented young man. In fact, I was listening to some of his music [Childish Gambino, Glover’s musical alter-ego] and it’s pretty good stuff.
What type of ideas was he proposing?
Not to any great extent, I think he basically just wanted to see me, meet me, get to know me a little bit and probably figure out a way to use me in developing his character.
He had recently said that he wasn’t “as cool” as you. Did you give him any pointers on being cool?
Well, nobody’s as cool as me. [Laughs] That’s a tough way to go. No, I’m only joking.
They also inquired about the possibility of him appearing in the Han Solo film:
Are you going to be making a cameo in the upcoming Han Solo standalone film?
I don’t know. It depends if they ask me to. I wouldn’t mind doing it.
Would you like to do it?
If they asked me, I wouldn’t say no.
Be sure to read the full interview over at The Hollywood Reporter.
Source: THR
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