Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Pyramid International Unveils A Plethora of 'Rogue One' Items & Artwork

By: Benjamin Hart

We are now less than 100 days away from the release of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and even closer to when all of the new toys and merchandise for the film will be released. Pyramid International has just thrown their hat into the ring with their newest catalog, which includes numerous pieces of merchandise that feature tons of never before seen promotional artwork. All of the characters from Rogue One are featured, including heroes Jyn Erso and K-2SO, as well as the villains Director Krennic, Death Troopers and even Darth Vader himself. You can check out some of the artwork below, and the rest in Pyramid's catalog:

You can see more detailed looks at the items on Pyramid's online store.

Source: Pyramid International
Via: Star Wars News Net

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