Thursday, September 8, 2016

Beast Kingdom Reveals Floating U-Wing Model

By: Benjamin Hart

Over the past several weeks we've seen lots of awesome merchandise from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, but we may have just gotten the coolest collectible yet from the upcoming film. Beast Kingdom just unveiled one of their newest products which is based on one of the new ships that will be featured in Rogue One. The latest addition to Beast Kingdom's "Egg Attack" line is a model of the U-Wing Fighter. What makes this collectible unique is that it utilizes electromagnetic repulsion and attraction to make the model float in mid air just above it's display base.

The U-Wing can be powered wirelessly and also features wings that move back and forth and four LED light up engines that further match how it appears in the film. The base includes a detachable Imperial Hovertank as well. You can watch a short video showcasing how the U-Wing works, which you can check out below, along with more photos:

The U-Wing is set to be released later this year. Preordering now will guarantee you receiving the limited edition radar station accessory. You can find out more about the set here!

Source: Beast Kingdom

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