Tuesday, May 10, 2016

'Star Wars Battlefront 2' Confirmed For 2017, New Games Coming Annually

By: Benjamin Hart

Following some sad gaming news regarding Disney Infinity earlier today, we now have some really awesome news coming to us from Electronic Arts! According to PC Gamer, EA's CFO Blake Jorgensen announced in an earnings call that the company plans to release one new Star Wars game every year for the next three to four years. The first will "Star Wars Battlefront 2", a sequel to the game that was released last November. Here's what Jorgensen had to say:

"Next year we’ll see Star Wars Battlefront back with bigger and better worlds, because we now have the new movies to work off [and] not just the historical movies that we used before."

One of the criticisms of the first game was it's sole focus on the Original Trilogy. It sounds like EA is expanding the scope of Battlefront, which is good to hear. Jorgensen added that the game is slated for release in 2017.

In addition, Jorgensen confirmed that the heavily rumored Visceral Star Wars game, which is being headed by Amy Hennig and Todd Stashwick, is coming in 2018. Reports suggests that this game will be in the same vein as the now canceled Star Wars 1313. EA's Motive studio will be collaborating with Visceral on it as well.

Last week it was announced that "Titanfall" developer Respawn is working on a a separate third-person Star Wars game. With EA's new annual release schedule it seems we could be seeing that game in 2019. All in all, it sounds like EA is kicking it into high gear to bring us a ton of awesome new games in the near future. I know I can't wait to play them all!

Source: PC Gamer

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Unknown said...

Yeah you lost your chance.

Unknown said...

Typical elitist statement. Go home.

rewdawg said...

Can't we have a first person rpg Star Wars game?

Hawkins said...

Nope. No thanks. EA sucks. Plain and simple.

Stephayne said...

Just want a one player story mode to go along with it all...pleeeeease.....

Unknown said...

Yes!!! This would be great!!

Brian McDonald said...

no campaign = no buy.

blivengo said...

Yeah, I have to agree - if this second installment doesn't have a campaign mode, then I'm going to skip out on it, as hard as it will be as a diehard Star Wars fans...

Unknown said...

Can't wait! Love Battlefront. Only game I've owned that's held my interest for this long.

Unknown said...

We need another Jedi Knight series!

Unknown said...

Battlefront was fun for a couple of days, but after you shoot a few people you get it. It's just a shooter, no reason to keep playing, no character to invest in and no story to care about. I bought the deluxe and have not cared to log back in beyond seeing if the DLC made this more fun. It doesn't. It's a mindless shooter with a cool Star Wars skin.

David Anderson said...

lol you guys have more content with the new movies? You know you have 3 movies worth you never used? Also you straight up coulda copied battlefront 2 and it would have been a better game than what you gave us. Screw you EA. Keep your crappy game, I'll wait until there is a real star wars game.

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