Friday, March 18, 2016

Video: 'Ahsoka Tano and Darth Vader: The Rise and Fall of a Friendship'

By: Benjamin Hart

Warning: feels incoming! The Star Wars Rebels season two finale is coming up soon and will see several storylines come to a head, most notably the relationship between Ahsoka Tano and Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker. For years fans have anticipated and speculated about a confrontation between Ahsoka and Vader, and now it appears it's finally happening in the hour-long season finale "Twilight Of The Apprentice". For fans who watched Star Wars: The Clone Wars and saw Ahsoka develop as she did over the course of six seasons, this episode will no doubt be an emotional one regardless of its outcome.

Today, Lucasfilm released a video titled Ahsoka Tano and Darth Vader: The Rise and Fall of a Friendship, which features a montage of Anakin and Ahsoka's experiences. It's an incredible nostalgia trip covering everything from Ahsoka's introduction in The Clone Wars film to her departure from the Jedi Order in season five and her return in Star Wars Rebels. At the very end of the video we also get a new line of dialogue from Vader, one we can assume is from the season finale. You can check out the full video below:

"Our long awaited meeting has come at last."

Whoa! This episode is going to be incredible! You can catch "Twilight Of The Apprentice" on Disney XD at 9:00pm ET/PT on Wednesday, March 30th.

Source: Star Wars(YouTube)

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DJ said...


Unknown said...


Chu Nga said...

The test of a friendship.....

Dr.Steve'o said...

Kill her vader.

SW Hope said...


Unknown said...


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