Friday, March 18, 2016

'Rogue One' Prequel Novel and More Announced at C2E2

By: Dominic Jones

Today at the Star Wars Books Panel at the C2E2 convention in Chicago, Del Rey Publishing announced a new novel coming later this year that will be a prequel to the upcoming film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. The novel is titled Star Wars: Catalyst.  No author or release date was announced, though Del Rey's official Star Wars Twitter account confirmed it would be coming in the fall.

Some are speculating that Star Wars: A New Dawn author John Jackson Miller will be writing the novel, seeing as he was on the panel, however it seems unlikely they would announced his book with him there and not tell anyone (though, I suppose anything is possible).

Little tidbits were shared about the upcoming novels Star Wars: Aftermath - Life Debt by Chuck Wendig, and Star Wars: Bloodlines by Claudia Gray.  Star Wars Action News was there, and here's what they heard,

Aftermath: Life Death by Chuck Wendig coming July 19. Han & Chewie are in a bit of trouble. He has one last debt to pay (to Chewie) before marrying Leia

Bloodline coming May 3. Leads into TFA. Delayed so Gray could see TFA before finishing the booksIt's a Leia story...

One other little tidbit about Bloodline was also revealed, which should excite fans of Gray's previous Star Wars novel, Lost Stars,

Are you excited for a Rogue One prequel novel?  And who do you hope is the author?  Let us know in the comments!

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jediknightguy82 said...

No more Chuck Wendig. He is awful!

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