Friday, March 18, 2016

Cover Revealed For Marvel's 'The Force Awakens' Comic Adaptation

By: Benjamin Hart

While we're anticipating the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens on Blu-ray and DVD in just a few short weeks, home video won't be the only way to re-experience the amazing film. Beginning in June, Marvel will be releasing a four part comic adaptation of The Force Awakens, and today revealed the cover of issue #1. Created by Esad Ribic, the artwork features Rey, Finn and BB-8 in the shadow of the Millennium Falcon as it is chased by TIE Fighters. Ribic will be painting the covers for all four issues alongside Chuck Wendig who is writing that series and Luke Ross who is providing the interior art. You can see the full cover above, and below you see some character designs for the adaptation:

I am very much looking forward to being able to read through The Force Awakens, and this looks awesome!


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Unknown said...


Mark said...

Imperial stormtroopers?????

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