Friday, March 18, 2016

'Rogue One' Comic Book Series Coming From Marvel in October

By: Dominic Jones

C2E2 is coming up this weekend in Chicago, and Marvel Comics is poised to make a big announcement regarding the upcoming film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.  David Gabriel, Senior Vice President of Sales and Marketing, gave attendees of the Diamond Comics Retailer Breakfast a special preview of the slides for Marvel's C2E2 panel later this weekend.  One slide of particular interest to Star Wars fans was spotted, revealing that Marvel will be releasing a three issue mini series and a one shot in October to tie-in with the December release of Rogue One.  Check out the image below,

It's exciting to see that the hype about Rogue One will (finally) be getting started.  We also expect announcements regarding a trailer and a "Force Friday" event coming in the next few months.  Once Star Wars Celebration London hits in July we can probably expect non-stop Rogue One promotion until the film reaches theaters.

In the meantime, hopefully, we'll get a few more details regarding the comics at C2E2 (writer, artist, story, etc.)

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blivengo said...

I wonder if there will be any other "Journey to Rogue One" content in addition to these comics...

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