By: Dominic Jones
ILMxLAB released a cinematic trailer for their new virtual reality experiment, Star Wars: Trials on Tatooine. The experience is set following the events of Return of the Jedi and the player in the experiment is a Jedi hopeful, looking to join Luke Skywalker's new Jedi Academy. Players will get to wield a lightsaber and interact with famous Star Wars characters like R2-D2. Check out the trailer below,
According to, Trials on Tatooine is,
"a completely enveloping, interactive virtual reality experiment. Developed under the guidance of Rob Bredow, Lucasfilm’s chief technology officer, and co-written by Bredow and Star Wars canon-keeper Pablo Hidalgo, Trials on Tatooine throws you into Star Wars for, truly, the first time, and for a longtime fan, it’s a watershed moment. Without delivering too many spoilers, it goes something like this.
Strap on the VR headset, take a remote in hand. But with the VR gear on, the remote looks more like something from a Coruscant electronics shop. Space and stars surround you. The opening crawl begins — the familiar Star Wars main theme triumphantly blaring — but this is no normal Star Wars prologue. It’s three-dimensional, you’re right on top of it. You learn that Luke Skywalker, having defeated Darth Vader and the Emperor, is looking to rebuild the Jedi Order. One hopeful Padawan is heading to Tatooine. That Padawan is you."
As for if fans will be able to experience this at home, Lucasfilm's chief technology officer and the game's co-writer, Rob Bredow told,
We are starting to see the first high-quality virtual reality headsets hitting the market this year. ILMxLAB is currently in development on experiences beyond this small experiment that we think people will really enjoy as immersive entertainment becomes readily available in the home.
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