Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Rumor: Alden Ehrenreich, Jack Reynor, and Taron Egerton On Shortlist For Young Han Solo Role

By: Dominic Jones

The massive casting search for an actor to play young Han Solo in the 2018 Han Solo Anthology Film may be nearing its end.  The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller have narrowed the choices down to the final three, Alden Ehrenreich, Jack Reynor, and Taron Egerton. Sources told THR that these three actors were London for screen tests over the weekend.

Ehrenreich is best known for his role in the recent Coen Brothers movie Hail Caesar!, Jack Reynor is known for his work in Transformers: Age of Extinction, and fans may be familliar with Taron Egerton for his starring role as Eggsy in Kingsmen: The Secret Service.

THR adds,
"Sources say there could be a few other names on the list, though due to the high level of secrecy on all Star Wars projects, it’s hard to ascertain them. Disney declined to comment.

Those who tested — and it’s unclear if these were costume tests or screen tests — were plucked from a previous group of around 10 actors who met with the directors."

As always this is just a rumor until confirmed or denied by Lucasfilm or Disney.

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