Thursday, March 17, 2016

Gameplay Trailer For Star Wars Battlefront's 'Outer Rim' DLC Revealed

By: Benjamin Hart

In addition to the base game that was released last year, we have a ton of DLC expansions to look forward to for Star Wars Battlefront! The newest DLC, titled "Outer Rim", will include four new maps, two new heroes and a new mode. A new gameplay trailer was just released by EA which gives us our first looks at the new maps on Sullust and Tatooine, with a lot of footage of the Jabba's Palace map. We also get a sneak peek at Extraction mode, as well as the new heroes Greedo and Nien Nunb. You can watch the trailer below:

The Jabba's Palace map looks amazing and should be a lot of fun to play! Outer Rim will be available for season pass holders on March 22nd!

Source: EAStarWars(YouTube)
Via: Making Star Wars

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