Thursday, March 17, 2016

Star Wars Merchandise, Signed by Dave Filoni, Up for Auction to Benefit AEF/BCEF

By: Dominic Jones

Lucasfilm is auctioning off  some really cool Star Wars items to benefit the Aids Emergency Fund and the Breast Cancer Emergency Fund of San Francisco.  Up for auction are a 1:6 Scale Salacious Crumb Creature Pack by Sideshow Collectibles, a 1:6 Scale Plo Koon Jedi Master Figure by Sideshow Collectibles, and a Republic Gunship Diecast by Code 3 Collectibles  All three items are signed Star Wars Rebels executive producer and Star Wars: The Clone Wars supervising director Dave Filoni.  The Republic Gunship Diecast also includes a sketch of Clone Captain Rex by Filoni.

You can bid on the Plo Koon here.

And you can bid on the Salacious Crumb here.

It's always great to see Lucasfilm supporting such great causes!

Source: Dave Filoni (Twitter)

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