Saturday, January 9, 2016

More 'The Force Awakens' Behind The Scenes Photos Surface

By: Benjamin Hart

Now that Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens has been out for a few weeks for everyone to see we're finally being treated to some deeper looks into the film and it's production. Last week Cinematographer Dan Mindel shared an intriguing behind the scenes photo online, and today even more photos have turned up. Star Wars Edit Droid on Facebook pointed us to an Imgur gallery which contains an assortment of never before seen pictures from the set of The Force Awakens. The gallery includes shots of John Boyega(Finn) along with countless other cast and crew members on location on various sets, such as the Millennium Falcon, Maz Kanata's Castle, the Resistance Base and others. The images apparently were shared on Instagram at some point. You can check them all out below(and above):

Source: Imgur 

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