Tuesday, December 22, 2015

JJ Abrams Has High Praise Rian Johnson's Episode VIII Script

By: Dominic Jones

JJ Abrams' time in the Star Wars director's chair may done, with the next installment in the saga being directed by Rian Johnson.  Abrams, who will still be an executive producer on Star Wars Episode VIII, has read the script for the sequel and, according to Greg Grunberg, he loves it.

Grunberg, who plays X-Wing pilot Temmin "Snap" Wexley in The Force Awakens, told The Washington Post,
“He read it and said something he never, ever says,” Grunberg, who plays pilot Snap Wexley in the new film, tells The Post’s Comic Riffs. “He said: ‘It’s so good, I wish I were making it.’

“He may have said something one time on ‘Lost,’ with Damon [Lindelof, the co-creator],” continues Grunberg, whose credits on Abrams series include “Lost” and “Felicity,” “but I never hear him express regret like that.”

Production on Episode VIII is expected begin in January with the majority of the main cast returning (with one, sad, obvious exception).  Daisy Ridley, who plays Rey, also shared her thoughts on the Episode VIII script recently, calling it "very good".  Some scenes involving Mark Hamill were shot for Episode VIII back in September at Skellig Michael (you know, THAT location from the end of the film).

As for Grunberg returning, he didn't confirm anything but, he did reveal that while shooting the film he shot a bunch of reaction shots but refused to say the line "I'm hit."  Maybe Snap will be the Wedge of the new trilogy.

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