Sunday, April 19, 2015

'Star Wars: Rebels' Season Two Trailer

By: Dominic Jones

Earlier today at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim the cast and crew unveiled the first trailer season two of Star Wars Rebels.  Check it out,

Wow! Captain Rex is back! There is so much good stuff in there, look for full analysis and more coverage of Star Wars Rebels from Celebration over the next few weeks.

Make sure to follow @TheSWU on Instagram for more updates from Star Wars Celebration Anaheim!

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Unknown said...

OMG Rex is Santa!!!!

blivengo said...

anyone else think the female-looking inquisitor is going to end up being Zare Leonis's sister Dhara?

Hillary said...

Anyone else think James Earl Jones voiced Vader for this. It totally sounds like him compared to this voice today

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