Monday, April 20, 2015

Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016 in London Announced!

By: Dominic Jones

Star Wars Celebration Anaheim has come to an end, but with the end of this Celebration comes the announcement of the next one.  Lucasfilm's Pete Vilmur and ReedPOP's Mary Franklin announced during the closing ceremonies that the next Celebration will take place July 15-17 in London, England at Excel London.

This will be the third Celebration Europe.  The first took place in London in 2007, and the second took place in 2013 in Essen, Germany.  This Celebration will likely be used to promote Rogue One mostly, but Episode VIII will be less than a year away at that time and I wouldn't be surprised if we saw something from that there.

Tickets go on sale tomorrow (April 19th) at

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Unknown said...

I'll so be there...

BadTucker said...

Me too. Saddly missed out on vip tickets today....

mike said...

I missed out on a chance to go to england before, ill try to make this one

mike said...

I missed out on a chance to go to england before, ill try to make this one

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