No matter if you were in the room at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim when it was revealed, or you were simply watching it from home, just about every Star Wars fan on the planet has been geeking out over since the newest trailer for Star Wars Episode VII. On Thursday morning Director J.J. Abrams and producer(and Lucasfilm president) Kathleen Kennedy, along with an assortment of cast members, premiered the second teaser trailer for The Force Awakens at Celebration. Just minutes later the trailer was released online for all the world to see, and boy did they see it. Yesterday Lucasfilm reported that the trailer had garnered over 88 million views in the first twenty four hours of it's existence. Thus roaring past the first trailer which gained 58.2 million views in it's first three days. We will have to wait and see if this trailer ends up breaking any records like it's predecessor.
In the meantime, let's help it along and watch it a few more times, shall we?
Source: Star Wars(Facebook)
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