Sunday, April 19, 2015

'Rogue One' Official Description and More Revealed!

Concept Art From Star Wars: Rogue One
By: Dominic Jones

Today, in a special Star Wars Celebration panel, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy, Lucasfilm Story Group Leader Kiri Hart, and Star Wars: Rogue One director Gareth Edwards took the stage to shed some light on the upcoming 2016 film and show the first teaser.  First Kennedy and Hart revealed that from now on the so-called "Stand Alone Films" will be called Anthology films.

They also released the official synopsis for the first Anthology film, Star Wars: Rogue One, which was announced last month at a Disney shareholders conference.  The synopsis reads,

A band of resistance fighters unite for a daring mission to steal the Death Star plans in the Star Wars Anthology film, Rogue One.

Shortly after that, Edwards screened a special teaser for the film.  The teaser, which is unlikely to be released, features no actual footage and was created for Celebration by ILM.  It features Obi-Wan's voice over from Episode IV saying "For over a thousand generations the Jedi Knights were guardians of peace and justice in the old republic.  Before the dark times, before the Empire."   The teaser featured a forest planet, with the first Death Star looming in the sky.

Edwards also revealed that Felicity Jones, the only confirmed cast member, would be playing a Rebel soldier.  The film will take place between Episodes III and IV (though much closer to IV).  He also showed a piece of concept art (above) that resembles the descriptions of what was shown to the Disney stockholders last month.

The film is slated for a December 16th, 2016 release.

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Zac "Handbag" Yates said...

I'm excited. A story that's (for me) a key part of the saga, and a film which promises some excellent action and scenarios. Love it! I'm also digging the Anthology idea.

Matthew said...

I bet we're going to see many Bothans die.

Dan Svensson said...

@Matthew, spoiler alert dude! ;)

M I N D K I L L ∆ ∆ said...
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M I N D K I L L ∆ ∆ said...

really hope disney doesnt blow it by spreading star wars too thin and lacking continuity and not being true to what star wars is. definitley has a chance of being rad dont get me wrong, but lets all remeber that star wars is not pirates of the caribbean

Unknown said...

Actor here. Who do i contact about casting for a soldier?

Unknown said...

It's terrible that they live streamet the shakespear read instead of this panel!!!... -_-

Jason Anderson said...

Death Star 2 was leaked by Bothans, not the first one.

Auricfield said...

I hope she plays Leia...

Unknown said...

Kyle Katarn?

Fraech said...

I thought rogue one was wedge antillies at that point in time?

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