By: Dominic Jones
After unveiling that amazing trailer yesterday, the Star Wars: Battlefront crew may have alienated some potential customers. IGN spoke with Patrick Back, General Manager at DICE, and Battlefront Producer Craig Mcleod about the game at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim and got some interesting details about the game. First off it was revealed that there would be no prequel trilogy content and that the game would focus entirely on the Original Trilogy era.
Also revealed is there will be no space battles in the game. “It’s not much about space,” Back said. “Most battles are planetary battles, so our focus right now is to make sure we only get that right. The core of Star Wars battles — the Endors, the Hoths, etc.— you want to take that to perfection. You want to do it right."
I have to say I am really disappointed in this news. I was so pumped after seeing the trailer and hearing this was disheartening. A game like Battlefront should represent the entire saga, not just half.
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Still, a new top modern Star Wars game with great "ground" battle is something I want. And I wont miss B1-battle-droids on the fields.
Battlefront could be good, but it would probobly miss being a awesome game.
And it makes sense that they would focus on the original trilogy because it is a stepping stone to the new trilogy.
They could even include bonus levels and patches like everyother shooter game today to one day include these features when they're ready for a price.
i most prefered the classic, planetary based battles in the previous games. I absolutely sucked in the aerial (and beyond) battles
Wow. Your idiotic fanboy fantasy is so unrealistic it's pathetic. millions of people love the PT era and they will NEVER erase it just because you self absorbed mentally incompetant losers don't like me...I was at Celebration and there were hundreds of PT/Clone War era on brhalf of them you get the middle finger because SW belongs to everyone not just you OT obsessed losers!
according to youtube, you once said this
'Teens=niggers. I swear on my own mother, if any of you f---ing less than human, wannabe Lil' Wayne f---ng niggers even look at me cross eyed, yet alone try and knock me out, I'll f--king kill you and skin you and hang your skin on my wall like the animals you are. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU BLACK PEOPLE? You used to have soul, now you're a people of vulgarity and ignorance.'
thats all that needs to be said. now go masturbate to your moms highschool photos.
I wan't to Spawn in as a SB Droid,
I wan't to Spawn in as a Droideka.
Droid gunships, Droid anything, Please haha xD
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