Sunday, April 19, 2015

Star Wars Battlefront Will Not Feature Prequel Content or Space Battles


By: Dominic Jones

After unveiling that amazing trailer yesterday, the Star Wars: Battlefront crew may have alienated some potential customers.  IGN spoke with Patrick Back, General Manager at DICE, and Battlefront Producer Craig Mcleod about the game at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim and got some interesting details about the game.   First off it was revealed that there would be no prequel trilogy content and that the game would focus entirely on the Original Trilogy era.

Also revealed is there will be no space battles in the game.  “It’s not much about space,” Back said. “Most battles are planetary battles, so our focus right now is to make sure we only get that right. The core of Star Wars battles — the Endors, the Hoths, etc.— you want to take that to perfection. You want to do it right."

I have to say I am really disappointed in this news.  I was so pumped after seeing the trailer and hearing this was disheartening.  A game like Battlefront should represent the entire saga, not just half.

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Unknown said...

Not necessary... It's not needed.. It'll still be fun..

Anonymous said...

It would not really do with this kind of downscaled Battlefront. This is really big things missing.
Still, a new top modern Star Wars game with great "ground" battle is something I want. And I wont miss B1-battle-droids on the fields.
Battlefront could be good, but it would probobly miss being a awesome game.

Unknown said...

I think that prequels and space battles will be in expansion packs

Unknown said...

I would have been disappointed if they included episodes 1-6 with a watered-down experience. In the leak from a few months ago, I was really concerned that EA bit off more than it could chew on it's first offering. In terms of game desgin, it is reasonable to focus on one era. All the art assets could be reused for the original trilogy. If EA decided to include the prequel, they could have had to make %50 or more assets. I will be very happy with a game that has a narrow focus and a really robust experience. It's their first Battlefront game. If it does well, we can expect future Battlefront games based on other eras.

And it makes sense that they would focus on the original trilogy because it is a stepping stone to the new trilogy.

Unknown said...

It's called Star Wars battlefront 2 which focuses on the prequal and Star Wars battle front 3 which focuses on space battles. They're smart for narrowing their target production. It's hard to make a great game that has too much content from day one.

They could even include bonus levels and patches like everyother shooter game today to one day include these features when they're ready for a price.

Koyaa said...

they're pretending the prequels never happened. that's hardly bad news

Denis said...

i most prefered the classic, planetary based battles in the previous games. I absolutely sucked in the aerial (and beyond) battles

Kubos said...

Droids, Clones, New republic, First order army pack DLC . Would be cool like vietnam in bad company. And there will be ton of dlc's for sure so lets hope some of them will be cool.

Anonymous said...

shut up pipassassin with your lame 1960's Batman loving dim witted ass

Bora Aventureiro said...

I want a DLC of Space Battles!

kenkraly2004 said...

Still getting the game on November 17th on PS4 regardless. Looking forward to this game With or Without The PT Content Included. It's not a big drawback for me

M I N D K I L L ∆ ∆ said...

i say we go ahead and start the inevitable movement to get disney and lucas film to remove ep 1-3 from canon and go ahead and make the most insane anakin sage remake in 15 years. ian mcdiarmid will still be alive people. i hope.

Anonymous said...


Wow. Your idiotic fanboy fantasy is so unrealistic it's pathetic. millions of people love the PT era and they will NEVER erase it just because you self absorbed mentally incompetant losers don't like me...I was at Celebration and there were hundreds of PT/Clone War era on brhalf of them you get the middle finger because SW belongs to everyone not just you OT obsessed losers!

M I N D K I L L ∆ ∆ said...


according to youtube, you once said this

'Teens=niggers. I swear on my own mother, if any of you f---ing less than human, wannabe Lil' Wayne f---ng niggers even look at me cross eyed, yet alone try and knock me out, I'll f--king kill you and skin you and hang your skin on my wall like the animals you are. WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU BLACK PEOPLE? You used to have soul, now you're a people of vulgarity and ignorance.'

thats all that needs to be said. now go masturbate to your moms highschool photos.

the Leatheryman said...

Here's looking forward to A Clone Wars based game with similar killer graphics! I love the OT battles, but those clone gunships are too kickass to ignore! There is a giant fanbase of prequel fans just waiting for something realistic! I'm not about to pretend they'll be ignored.

Unknown said...

^ thankgod that will never happen. not a single soul involved currently with star wars is going to spend a f--king penny on that saga at this point, nor do they respect it im sure. PT fanbase can go be weebs somewhere else. long live the pure sci fi fantasy and aesthetic of the OT.

Unknown said...

^ If what your saying is true then I don't see a large majority of people playing this new star wars battlefront because the whole point of star wars battlefront was to let you play battles from across star wars such as on Mygeeto as the galactic republic. Dice not including PT content is a huge blow to this game and i personally don't like the OT.

Unknown said...

Nope they lost me I only play as the droids

Unknown said...

Nope they lost me I only play as the droids

Spycho said...

Although i don't like the new trilogy i prefer it in battlefront. i think the era had a better atmosphere to it in battlefront 2 even with a whinny Anakin running around somewhere. I mean it looks pretty nice and from trying the beta it plays very nice. I am well aware of the difficulties associated with game development. I cant knock the Devs for their effort. Theyz done good. However, after decades of computer gaming i dont think Battlefront 3 is going to hold my attention like battlefront 2 did. Its very rich in star wars details but its been turned into just another call of duty/battlefield sort of game. As fun as the game is it just doesnt do battlefront 2 justice... yet. As is, focusing on only ground and only the original trilogy cuts out 3/4ths of battlefront 2s content(ie new trilogy ground and space and original trilogy space). All and all as far as what ive played in the beta, the game is good but its very narrow compared to what we had previously. to many people it doesnt matter but i think to many of the old Battlefront players it will feel confining after a while.

Unknown said...

I have to agree with this guy above me, the space battles and the 4 different groups of units was really fun!!!! Did they really have more money and time and get a shoddier product like this?

Unknown said...

Droids Droids Droids, Please Include Droids, Please have the Clone War Era, Please.

I wan't to Spawn in as a SB Droid,
I wan't to Spawn in as a Droideka.

Droid gunships, Droid anything, Please haha xD

Unknown said...

I like both sages and my favrote was ep 3 tied with ep 6 so why should you all say that its greT not to have the pt there are may out there who like both or just ot or pt

Unknown said...

Star wars is a 3 decades thing, everyone has there favorites an likes ,everyone has there own moment where they fell in love with it. It started ot, pt finished it. Just as we respect the old generation,then they should respect ours, granted nothing is perfect, but battlefront 2 is the reason, the new one is selling so good. We wanted more!!!, Star Wars is Star Wars is Star Wars! All of it is great!!

Unknown said...

They say that now but that could easily change.

Unknown said...

You are I am madly in love with Jar Jar Binks... dont tell anyone but I have an engagement ring in my dressered who do you think u are saying that I am madly in love with Jar Jar Binks... dont tell anyone but I have an engagement ring in my dresser it has nothing to do with star wars and u from the south I onley ask because u seem I am madly in love with Jar Jar Binks... dont tell anyone but I have an engagement ring in my dressered in the head

Unknown said...

i regret buying this game.. horrible, no droids, no space battle, SOOO BORING!!! maybe if it was 10 or 15 dollars it'd be worth it.. only played like 7 hours and did not enjoy it at all.. there isnt even any weapon customization.. wtf!!?? NO CONTENT

Unknown said...

EA games has really F***** up. WHO doesn't wanna play as a badass droikeda or a clone commander, with the gatling chain gun in battlefront 2. F*** Disney, they ruin everything.

Unknown said...

People talk about PT and OT as if they are not related at all.PT has a lot more playable heroes as well as space battles and had a brighter feel because it was the Jedi era, the OT brings the darkness of Darth Vader and a trilogy that was amazing for the technology that it had. And that brought all together is what made battlefront 2 such a success. Just finishing the clone wars really made me excited just because of the personality they gave each one and I'd like to see some main clones characters if prequel content is ever included.

Unknown said...

People talk about PT and OT as if they are not related at all.PT has a lot more playable heroes as well as space battles and had a brighter feel because it was the Jedi era, the OT brings the darkness of Darth Vader and a trilogy that was amazing for the technology that it had. And that brought all together is what made battlefront 2 such a success. Just finishing the clone wars really made me excited just because of the personality they gave each one and I'd like to see some main clones characters if prequel content is ever included.

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