Saturday, January 3, 2015

'Star Wars #2' Comic Preview

By: Benjamin Hart

2015 is here and that means, along with The Force Awakens, we'll be getting tons of new canon Star Wars literature, specifically Comics! Marvel has now taken the reigns of Star Wars comics production and one of the several series they have planned is one simply titled "Star Wars", which is set between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes. The ongoing series will focus on the adventures of Han, Luke & Leia and the first issue is slated to debut soon. Thanks to Comic Book Resources and Robot 6 we now have a sneak peek at the second issue of Star Wars.  You can check out the cover above and three pages from the comic below, which show Han and Leia apparently piloting an AT-AT and Luke battling Darth Vader and Stormtroopers:

The book features 32 pages written by Jason Aaron with artwork by John Cassaday. Issue #2 is slated to be released in February, and you'll be able to grab Issue #1 at your local Comic Book store on January 14th, or you can head over to now and get a 12 issue subscription!

Source: Comic Book Resources

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kenkraly2004 said...

Awesome artwork!!! Just did subscribed to all 3 of the new Marvel Star Wars Comic series that are coming out in 2015!!! Looking forward to reading them!!!

Unknown said...

Luke battling Vader? I have a bad feeling about this...

Brad Hoyt said...

Luke battling Vader... I also have a bad feeling about this...

Brad Hoyt said...

Han and Leia.... with jawas in the cockpit? Totally absurd at this point and it isn't even released. I don't mind putting these comics a notch below the movies 'canon-wise'. We'll see...

Brad Hoyt said...

One last comment! I know that Lucas didn't consider the expanded universe canon, but at least he had some general guidelines. One of those guidelines was that Luke didn't face Vader until the Empire Strikes Back. If Luke has up close encounters with Vader before EpV, this really undermines the story in the movies. It looks like the story group at Lucasfilm dropped the ball on this one. This also exposes a problem with saying that everything that comes out from Disney is on the same level as the movies 'canon-wise'. So far, it seems like the novels and Rebels have nailed it with seriously fitting into the movie canon, but it looks like these comic book writers have jumped off the deep end of absurdity. I'll have to wait to reserve judgement... but I'm not encouraged by what I see so far... Anyway, that's just my take. If anyone reads this, feel free to correct me if I'm off base.

DoggingYou said...


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