Friday, December 5, 2014

Report: 'Star Wars #1' Expected to Sell One Million Copies

By: Dominic Jones

I think we all assumed the Marvel's relaunch of the Star Wars comic book line would be big, but I don't know if we expected it to be this big. is reporting that Comic's shops all around the world have collectively ordered over one million copies of the the debut comic 'Star Wars #1'.  To put this in context, according to, the last comic book to sell over one million copies was 'Batman #500' in 1993.  It's been over twenty since it's been done, but Star Wars is flying high right now with the record breaking debut of the teaser trailer Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, plus the successful first half season of Star Wars Rebels, so if anything comic book can sell one million copies it's a Star Wars book.

Will you be picking up your copy of 'Star Wars#1' when it hits shelves on January 14th?  Let us know in the comments below.

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Alec said...

Most likely. Yes!

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