Friday, December 5, 2014

Marvel's 'Star Wars #1' Preview

By: Dominic Jones has posted an exclusive preview of the first issue of Marvel's relaunching of the Star Wars comics brand, 'Star Wars#1".  'Star Wars #1' is written by Jason Aaron, and features art from John Cassaday.  It hits shelves on January 14th, 2015 and is expected to sell one million copies.  Check out the preview below,

The ongoing 'Star Wars' comics is just one of the series Marvel will be launching in 2015.  They will also be launching ongoing series for Darth Vader in February, and Kanan Jarrus (of Star Wars Rebels), release date unknown, and a mini-series about Princess Leia, in March.


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Gonzalo Valdivia Dávila said...

A new beginning for new SW crossovers of outfits, like these "anticipated" ep.VI Lando Skiff / Jabba guard disguise on Luke and Leia.

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