Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Palpatine's First Name Revealed

By: Benjamin Hart

Social media was set a blaze this afternoon after a critical tidbit of information about a legendary Star Wars character leaked online. Ever since his introduction in The Empire Strikes Back back in 1980, Senator/Chancellor/Emperor Palpatine has had no first name, only later being know alternatively by his Sith title Darth Sidious. For years many speculated that the the beloved villain simply only had one name, now we've learned that's not that case. A few days ago at the 'A New Dawn' panel at New York Comic Con, it was revealed that the upcoming novel Tarkin, written by James Luceno, will finally reveal Palpatine's first name. Earlier today the Star Wars Wikia Wookieepedia updated their article on Palpatine with the new name and listed page 93 of Tarkin as their source. (Obviously one of their editors got an advanced copy of the novel.)  So without further ado, The Phantom Menace's full name is....



Sheev Palpatine

So, what do you think? Does it fit him? Or are you glad it was never mentioned in the films? Let us know in the comments below, or in Club SWU on Facebook! And also be sure to pre-order your copy of Star Wars: Tarkin, which promises to give more insight into another iconic Star Wars villain: Wilhuff Tarkin.

Source: Wookieepedia

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Unknown said...

Sounds Sheevy.

Unknown said...

They could have just called him Steve.

Anonymous said...

Since it's all imaginary who really cares? It could be "LaPhonso" for all I care.

Daymeon said...

Sheev fits.

Nathan Bohn said...

Don't like it. It's too dorky. Should be something more sophisticated, like a Roman name. I always thought The Emperor looked kind of like a Diocletian.

Unknown said...

As good as any!

Unknown said...

should be "I am madly in love with Jar Jar Binks... dont tell anyone but I have an engagement ring in my dresserFace" Palpatine

Unknown said...

doesn't strike fear into my heart. I guess that's why he never mentioned his first name. Would have preferred something more regal sounding but since its never spoken I'm not too upset by it. Maybe it will grow on me

julius said...

Should have called him Tom

Unknown said...

Should been more roman empireish

Bill Clark said...

I thought it was something like Gus or Guster

Faleel said...

I thought it was Frank...

"I must be Frank"

heart n soul said...

Palpatine's first name is actually Dantius

Jon C. Maxwell said...

I like it. It fits. I think a Roman name would be too cliche and are overused anyway.

Unknown said...

Wasn't Sheev the name of that goofy guy with the Armadillo hat in the Dukes of Hazard movie?

Unknown said...

No wonder he became a Sith lord... I bet he got beat up by gungans as a child with a name like that.

Unknown said...

I also thought it was Dantius

Unknown said...

Darth Sheev

Comment Tater said...

Much disturbing, this name is...

Unknown said...

Mother Palpatine: "Sheev! You stop force choking your sister and eat your vegetables young man. If you want to rule the universe some day you need to be big and strong." I just don't see it.

Unknown said...

He never did need a name...

Unknown said...

Sheev Palpatine? yea thats nuts but with every other badass thing going for him he can have a dork wad name

NecroRAM said...

I think that joke name Frank they gave him from his line in TPM would actually fit just fine.

Denis del Callar said...

Sheev? I'd keep it a secret too if I was named Sheev.

Unknown said...

Thought it would be Barack

Unknown said...

sounds like sheeva the female hindu god of destruction so girly sounding

mosfet74 said...

I like Beuford Palpatine.

ProfessorTofty said...

Not quite right about the source of the information. It wasn't because somebody got a preview copy. Preview pages were posted on Amazon for everyone to view, including page 93. Just look up Amazon's entry for the book and you can read quite a bit of it there.

Stormleader said...

Shiv woulda been better hehe

Unknown said...

Shiva is a male Hindu god.

Stormleader said...

Hehe good one

Riley said...

Should have called him Skeev since he's skeevy.

Unknown said...

Steve. That's tough!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Its almost saying Shees when some one is being very rude towards me coming from my oldest brother.

Anonymous said...

So the Emperor's first name is "Sheev?" No wonder he turned into a Dark Lord of the Sith. Probably got his ass kicked all the time back on Naboo growing up: "Hey Tom, how's about you me Vinnie, Joe, Shorty and Paul go find Sheev and stuff his head down the Gungan hole?"

Darth Fett said...

From Friends season 1, making fun of Monica's ex-boyfriend with a speech impediment. "...we love Shteve, Shteve was Shexshy!"

Unknown said...


Vader the White said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

should have been Gavin or Gavin Free

Vader the White said...

The following message is to everyone who keeps saying that Palpatine's first names is Dantius:
That has never once been true. Dantius was made up by SuperShadow, who created more bull**** than actual bulls. I'm not kidding. He claimed to be a close friend of Lucas (despite the constant denial from Lucasfilm) and I recall he once claimed that he would direct Episode VII (and this was a decade ago, before Disney purchased Lucasfilm).
I will give him credit, though: Dantius is way better than Sheev. Cause that is kinda stupid.

Aracus said...

It certainly explains why he went dark.
And it's giving me the Sheevers!

Xanitos said...

Assuming it's pronounced 'she-ev', it's not horribad.

Brian said...

Should have been Richard, because I think he sure acted like a Dick.

Brian said...

or Eugene

Anonymous said...

How about "James Tiberius Palpatine"?

Unknown said...

Sheev? Sounds like that could get him beat up a lot at school...that's why he turned to the dark side! Kids...Stop bullying others or they could become the emperor of the galaxy!

Anonymous said...

How 'bout "Otis"?

Wunderwaffen said...

He changed his name to just Palpatine when he was young. You'd know this if you read Darth Plagueis.

Joshua David Goldsberry said...

Voldemorte Sauron Palpatine?

Unknown said...

I thought it was Tyrone.

selvestesand said...

I like it. It has a "commoner" ring to it. After all, Mr. and Mrs. Palpatine were ordinary Nabooian people, who didn't have the Sith or anything else evil in mind when they named their little boy. Sith names are kinda tacky villain names (Sidious from "insidious", Vader from "invader", Bane, Maul, Nihilus from nihilism, Traya aka "Lord of Betrayal", etc.), but that fits because it's names that the Sith in-universe bestow upon themselves. Their real names should be ordinary names. When a villain's real name in a movie is something very villaionous, it totally breaks suspension of disbelief.

Aracus said...

Just have to point out that Vader was chosen because its austrian for father...

Unknown said...

A sheave is a pulley, something that transfers power, it can also assist a main drive. Perhaps Sheev is a sheave to or of Snoke. A mechanical sheave has two halves.

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