Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Has Footage from Episode VII Leaked?

By: Lillian Skye

Today, footage from what a YouTube user claimed to be scenes from J.J. Abram's upcoming Star Wars Episode VII were uploaded on YouTube and then quickly deleted. The account that uploaded the film was deleted as well.

Warning: SPOILERS follow!

The footage claims to be "Luke's Refuge," insinuating that Luke Skywalker spent time in solitude meditating in caves. The stills show a robed figure surrounded by candles and kneeling on the ground in contemplation.  What appears to be the same robed figure looks out across the water in the other images.

See stills from the footage below:

From the blaring "E7," label in the bottom left corner of the images, it is difficult to believe that this footage is real. The film was also labeled with the alleged location of "Luke's Refuge"--Skellig Michael, Ireland--which seems forced.

Is it fake? Is it test footage for VIIStar Wars fans can only guess as the release of Episode VII in  December 2015 draws closer.

Sources: Comic Book Movie, Techno Buffalo

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Unknown said...

it looks fake

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